Take 2 @ Moca
More Azúcar Morena at Moca tonight! It was so much fun. We had some new artists such as Singer Marcus Allen! I loved his sweet sound… hopefully he can perform at my Showcase in October…
“Thirsty” was ridiculous! JP Justice is always funny. He also speaks the truth! Especially about President Obama… But my secret favorite is “Blue”! (Not so secret anymore! lol) He is so conscious with his pieces despite all the erotic and raunchy pieces that others have. He makes it more comfortable for me to read my sensual work. Another favorite is Mona Bode. I love the confidence and stage presence she has. I like her pieces too; she has a talent with timing and vocabulary. I can’t wait to work with her on an Erotic Poetry CD. So excited! Azúcar making moves!
I performed just English pieces from “T.O. Love Azúcar”. I am learning I have to command the stage a bit more so that they are hanging on every word… I’m gonna try something different when I go back on the 18th…I’ll let you know if it works..
Pictures coming soon…